
Chief Strategy Officer: Process Owner, Advisor, Consultant, Monitor, Evaluator, First Mate etc.

Innovative Tools for Change Strategy Execution by Patrick Seaton

Half Truths About Customers During Strategy Formulation

A Strategy Bleeds to Death : Hundreds of Mutinies, Thousands of Cuts

Role of Strategy Execution Team : Be a 'Black Hat', Devil's Advocate, Bad News Messenger

Simple Messages Drive Great Strategy Execution

The Licence to to Kill a Bad Strategy

Strategy Execution: Case Study of VNC , South India

Strategy Execution Process : Competency Mapping & Development

Office for Strategy Execution

Commissions are for cowards. Real test of digital marketing implementation is 'Pay for Performance'

Why Simplicity Fails to Impress. Why 'The Impressive' Fails

Love them or hate them, but you have to respect the Chinese Execution Skills. Beijing Olympics, caslets of Bird's Nest & Project119